After a 4 month break I competed in Tampere last Thursday. I could not imagine how stressful it would be! But anyway let’s start from the beginning.

After a long weekend in Rovaniemi I started training with Mika again. This week has been full of weightlifting, including one competition – Leader cup. It was just to get a good feeling and I decided to lift there 70,72,74 and 90,92,94. I almost managed to get my first 6 of 6 competition but unfortunately my last jerk was not good enough and I failed (2-1). :'( Snif
But anyway, I got my training motivation back and I have been happy to live my life. But now I need to run. I have plenty of work to do before Kazan’s Universiades. Let’s be in touch and I will write before I leave.
Hey, in the end are my lifts from the leader cup. Enjoy!