It has been a pleasure to notice that the more I train the better it feels. I am now training very light and I am trying to get used to training more.
– cycling 15 min
– clean & jerk with bar and some Good Mornings
– with bar few sets
– 2x8x 60kg, 8x 80kg, 3x 100kg
– 3x8x 100 kg
– few sets with bar
– 8x 30, 8x 40, 8x 50
– 3x8x 60kg
Benchpress with dumbbell
– 3x6x 17,5 kg
Hyper extension
– 1x 50
– cycling 15min
Front squat
– few sets with bar
-2x8x 40, 8x 50, 2x8x 60
– 8x 40, 8x 60, 2x8x 70
Military press
– 3x6x 40
Clean and jerk (1+2)
– 3x 40 kg
– lots of
A few nice things have happened. One of our coaches asked me to take part in a German Open RAW powerlifting competition. And best part is that RUDI is there also! I don´t know about it yet because I need to ask Seppo and after that I need to be sure that I can lift there. I don ´t want to lose my next years World Championships because of RAW competition! But Ove said that there is plenty of IPF lifters and also those who are in Germany´s national team. And they have same rules as we have. BUT I need to check this out and decide after that.
Secondly One of our weightlifters came to me and said that he is working at a local newspaper and they would be very happy if they could do an article about me! And of course I said yes! It will be sooooo awesome! Me!!! In German newspaper! :) Hihii, but they will do it after my vacation. I will go to Portugal in first week of October…
But hey! I heard some rumors about my lifting mate. He has done almost 1000 kg raw-total. Of course I needed to check it out and I find this!
Like I said the change has not been so huge. When I trained in Turenki there was Janne Virtanen – the big and very scary man. And now here is him :) Only difference is that in my German gym you can see daylight and lifters are drinking beer during training (alcohol-free but beer!! Come on man! :D)
But now I need to go to eat. Today I will rest and on Friday I will go to squat.. Again. Cool!
With love