Edit: I found a discussion about commenting on my blog and here are some tips: Click on the headline (name of my article) and then roll the page downwards. There will be a space where you can write your comment.


I needed to drop 500 grams before I went to bed. I decided not to go to sauna. Instead I took a warm bath and it was even more frustrating than sauna :)

I was so stressed that I almost puked on the stage – I handled my squats!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! My back was hurting like hell but I was pretty happy with my 205 kg squat. Bench was a joke because I needed to lift with my F6. My second last warm-up was 95 kg and surprisingly I lifted it from the chest. :) So I dropped my starters and started with 110 because I wanted a result, Deadlift was technically pretty ok but  I hurt my back with my last dl…

Now I need to start preparing for my leg operation which will be in two weeks. It feels so odd that I do not need to prepare for competitions anymore. Now I can finally train only RAW lifts!


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2 Kommenttia

  1. Mahtavaa Anni! Olis monelta jääny nostot nostamatta. Olet kova luu!!

  2. Kiitos kauheasti :) hienoa että joku seuraa munkin tekemisiä.

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