It has been a while since I wrote my blog. I have been so stressed about my diet that I escaped to Eura – a little country town – to see my parents. I spent there whole week after my last trainings. In Finland I noticed that I have some difficulties to do my morning joggins because there was so cold! When I arrived Finland there was -31 degrees.
I did some long walkings because it was too hard weather for jogging. I also spent my time by cooking. I baked plenty of chocolate cakes and all other cakes. I couldn´t eat them by meself so I called my friends to come to visit. There is some pics from them :) .
First time I waited sooo much eating after scale. I prepared my provisions whole week and I bought plenty of chocolate :) I left now 6 kgs candies in my apartment in Finland.
What should I tell about my Nationals..
There is video from my competition. 6 good lifts, first senior golden medal and 4 Junior National records and 2 Nationals records under 63 kg. I lost 8 kilos weight and My result didn´t drop at all. I had tehcnical problems in both DL and BP and I also had too low 1 attemp in Squat.
But it was my first diet and it went well. Now it is good time to start eating and training again. I will put some diet pics as soon as I have moved them into my computer. But now some sleep and I will try to write more tomorrow or during the weekend.
Until then
– Anni