After my operation I came to Eura. This little town in western Finland is near Rauma and I have always spent my holidays here.


   This picture has been taken when I was at the hospital (OMG without make-up :DDDDD ) . My father came to Turku with me and it was great because after my operation I was very sick for a few days but now I am feeling much better. My doctor said my right leg has recovered so well that I can start walking without my special shoe next week. 31.1. is my control visit in Turku and then I should be healthy. 1.2. I will go to Stuttgart and 22.2. my life in  Helsinki will start – I am so excited!

I can not train now. I will try to train tomorrow or on Tuesday (it is so boring just lie down) so about my trainings you can read more  next week.

I bought some new shoes. I will add picture later but now is time to add my x-mas presents! I got plenty of new dishes but I took just a few pictures.


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