It feels so great to be back in the business!
My first training was on Friday but I forgot to write it down:
Friday 3.12.
– 2x6x 20, 6x 40, 6×60, 2x 80, 2x 100
– 3x4x 107,5 (wraps)
– 3x6x60
Exercise wheel
– 3x10x OP
– 6x 20,30,40,50
– 3x4x 62,5
– 3x15x 19 / side
I read the whole Monday because I had a Russian exam. Привет! :)
I have started to study Russian. I have always wanted to do it but now I actually have time for that.
Monday 6.12.
– 6x 20, 6x 40, 4x 60, 2x 80, 2x 95, 2x 105
– 2x5x 115
– 2x6x 20, 6x 30,40,50, 2x 60
– 2x5x 67,5
French BP
– 10x 23kg, 8x 28kg, 6x 33kg
Guys said that I am a machine because all my squats were similar and with same speed. I have tried to keep that speed in my squat now (this comment is owned to Seppo)
Tuesday 7.12.
Box squat
– 3x8x 40
– 6x 60
– 6x 70
– 3x6x 80
– 6x 60
– 3x8x 80
– 3x8x 19kg/ side
Hyper extension
– 25x OW
So I also studied the whole Tuesday :D It was good to train, because I have really needed something else to think about. Sitting at home is not for me.
Wednesday 8.12
– 8x 20, 6x 40, 6x 60, 2x 80, 2x 100
– 5x4x 107,5
– 6x 20,30,40,50
– 2x 60
– 5x4x 65
Narrow grip bench with 3″ block
– 10x 60
– 3x8x 65
On thursday I fixed my nails.
I like them :)
I was thinking that I would also train on Thursday but I was too tired and my back was hurting again so I just relaxed.
Friday 10.12.
–2x8x 20, 6x 40, 6x 60, 2x 80, 2x 100
– 2x 115 (wr.)
– 4x 120 (wr)
4x 125 (wr.) video below
-6x 20,30,40,50, 2x 60, 1x 67,5
– 2x 4x 72,5
– 2x6x 80
– 3x8x 110
DL conventional
– 2x 100
Sit-ups in hoist
– 3x 12
Here is the video. I will write again on Sunday. I will visit Esslingen tomorrow and check one x-mas mark.